
W Rome

La prima W in Italia è a Roma e disegnata da Eclettico (en) The first W in Italy is in Rome and designed by Eclettico

L'originale e anticonformista marchio W di Marriott International fa la sua prima apparizione in Italia. La progettazione architettonica e la ristrutturazione dell'edificio è stata affidata a Eclettico Design appartenente al Gruppo Lombardini22. (en) Marriott International’s original and anti-conformist W brand is making its first appearance in Italy. The building’s architectural design and renovation has been placed in the hands of Eclettico Design belonging to the Lombardini22 Group.

Progetto (en)Project

Eclettico Design

Cliente (en)Client


Servizi (en)Services

Architectural design concept, preliminary, executive, M&E design, Art direction, Construction supervision

Luogo (en) Location

Roma (en) Rome, Italy


12.000 mq (en) 12.000 sqm

Fine lavoro (en) End of work

in corso (en) ongoing

Un progetto prestigioso e ambizioso vede protagonista Eclettico, il brand del Gruppo Lombardini22 dedicato alla progettazione nel settore dell’hospitality e del residenziale di lusso. È W Rome: il debutto in Italia del marchio originale e anticonformista ‘W’ di Marriott International.

Eclettico si sta occupando della progettazione architettonica e restauro dell’edificio, del coordinamento di un team internazionale, dell’interfaccia con Marriott – gestione della documentazione nel rispetto degli standard della catena – oltre a essere responsabile della progettazione impiantistica, acustica e site supervision. L’interior design sarà firmato dallo studio newyorchese Meyer Davis.

L’hotel, nei pressi di via Veneto, si svilupperà su due edifici di pregio architettonico risalenti al XIX secolo. I due edifici, di 6 piani fuori terra, saranno uniti attraverso un corpo centrale adibito a nuova reception. L’hotel ospiterà 159 camere e suites. Grande importanza verrà data agli spazi per la socialità: W Living Room, la Lobby da vivere e non solo luogo di accoglienza e di passaggio, due ristoranti e più di 120 metri quadri di spazio eventi, oltre a palestra e SPA. A coronamento della ‘W Experience’, un esclusivo roof top bar sorgerà sulle terrazze all’ultimo piano.


Eclettico, the Lombardini22 Group brand specialising in design for the hospitality and luxury accommodation industries, are involved in an extremely prestigious project called ‘W Rome’: the first appearance in Italy of Marriott International’s original and anti-conformist W brand. Eclettico has been entrusted with the architectural design and renovation of the building, coordinating an international team interfacing with Marriot - documentation management in accordance with the chain’s standards - as well as being in charge of the plant-engineering, acoustics and site supervision. The interior design will bear the hallmark of the New York firm Meyer Davis.

The hotel, which is located near Via Veneto, will take up two architecturally high-quality buildings dating back to the nineteenth century. The two buildings, which have six floors above ground, will be connected by a central section used as the new reception. The hotel will have 159 rooms and suites. Great importance will be given to the socialising facilities: W Living Room, a lobby to be inhabited and not just used as a reception and passageway, two restaurants and over 120 m² of space for hosting events, as well as a fitness room and SPA. The ‘W Experience’ will be completed by an exclusive rooftop bar on the top floor. Building work is already in progress; the MockUp (i.e. a sample room) will be completed by summer 2019.

W hotel around the world

Marriott’s W brand is the very embodiment of “rebel luxury”, offering its guests a unique experience. The first W opened in New York in 1998. There are now 50 W brand hotels around the world and there will be 75 by 2020. W is continuing to expand in Europe, where it currently manages properties in Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, Paris, Verbier, St Petersburg and the Algarve. There will be others open in Madrid, Ibiza, Prague and Budapest over the next few months. In addition to Rome, W Hotels will also be opening in Marbella and Edinburgh in 2021.